Scenes from the Storm Trysail Club’s hands-on Safety at Sea seminar.
The Storm Trysail Club, with the support of the Storm Trysail Foundation, will be hosting its fifth Hands-On Safety-at-Sea Seminar on May 20, 2017, at the campus of the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College at Fort Schuyler in the Bronx, New York.
According to UK Sailmakers past president and Safety At Sea Event Chairman Butch Ulmer, “The popular format of one-day Hands-On activities will be supplemented by online video presentations produced by the Storm Trysail Foundation and U.S. Sailing. These videos will provide additional learning that will enable attendees to qualify for full World Sailing (formerly ISAF) certification.”
Ulmer and UK Sailmakers have been involved with and sponsoring hands-on safety at sea training–for both adults and juniors–for more than 10 years. Yes, educating sailors about sail construction, sail trim, and boat set-up is important to us; but, UK Sailmakers also realizes how important safety training is for all sailors.
For more information about the seminar and to sign up online, click here.