UK Sailmakers’ Lazy Cradle is a combination of a sail cover and lazy jacks. It simplifies sailhandling; just lower the halyard letting the sail settle between the lazy jacks into the cover. Once the sail is completely lowered, zip the cover closed. The system is perfect for short-handed crews.
Since the cover catches the sail as it comes down, the helmsman won’t get blinded by drapes of sailcloth while entering a harbor or narrow channel. No longer will you have to search for the sail cover or battle with the cover in a breeze. Just drop and zip. In moments your mainsail is neatly put away and protected from the sun. Even if you don’t have time to neaten up the sail and zip the cover while getting ready to enter a harbor, the sail will be held out of the way and you can finish over the covering process until you are safely tied to the dock on secured to a mooring.
Above: Sense 50 SEA MONKEY with the mainsail covered by the Lazy Cradle.
Above: SEA MONKEY sailing with her Lazy Cradle rolled against the sides of the boom.
When sailing, the cover can be left up or it can be rolled neatly alongside the boom. To roll up the cover, loosen the lazy jacks, pull them forward and then roll the cover from the batten down to the boom. Integral buckles hold the rolled-up cover next to the boom while sailing. These pictures show club-racers sailing with their lazy cradles up and not rolled against the boom. If you look closely at the photo showing two boats, you’ll see the boat on the right has its covered rolled against the boom.
The Foundation 36 WITCHY WOMAN sailing with her Lazy Cradle up.
Even in strong winds, the Lazy Cradle can remain up while sailing.
The Lazy Cradle is made out of the same material as standard sail covers, which means they can be made out of the same material as a boat’s existing dodger, bimini and roller furling genoa cover. This way all the canvas products can have the exact same color.
To fully explain the Lazy Cradle, UK Sailmakers produced a three-and-a-half minute video showing the cover in action and all its features. To see the video and find out more about the Lazy Cradle, go to:
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